Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade

Oxford Street

Saturday 2nd March 2024

2024 saw the annual Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade once again take to its rightful route along Oxford Street with the Mardi Gras Festival theme of
"Our Future".

Five Sisters formed the Sisters’ walking group entry in the parade this year. They were adorned with toilet training seats attached to their wimples. This had a twofold purpose.

Firstly to recognise and honour our late Mother Abyss who left us in May of 2023. Mother Abyss, also known as Mother Inferior, Monsignor Porkamadonna, Sister Venus de Lilo and Sister Volupta, was co-founder of the Sydney Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI), in 1981, later Order of Perpetual Indulgence (OPI). He was an iconic figure in the Australian and particularly Sydney LGBTI+ community and a key figure in many community groups.

The second purpose of the training seats was an intended message in support for Alex Greenwich. The posters read “No shit on my d*ck” and had a photo of a previous One Nation politician who made a similar comment with shit dribbling down from his mouth.

Alex and Lord Mayor Clover Moore had a photo opportunity in front of the nuns and signs. While speaking with a Sister, the Lord Mayor said "I thought the Sisters were no more" to which the sassy Sister replied, "not at all we're not extinct yet". The Lord Mayor had not seen the Sisters 'out and about' recently. - Perhaps she doesn’t get about much anymore herself!

Click on image to open in a new tab!

Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone also took part in the parade, but was invited to be part of the Mardi Gras "Our Future" float this year.

What is the Sisters' Holy Trinity for Mardi Gras?

Watch a short video clip of the Sisters in the 2024 Mardi Gras Parade

The Sisters would like to acknowledge our friends at the ABC for making these videos available.

Sydney Sisters Present: Sister Rowena Keeper Of The Holy Doyley, Sister Catheter of the Sacred Immaculate Ejaculate,
Sister Ophelia Ring, Novice Sister Beefcake TenderLoins, Novice Sister Mary Arse Licked and Old Lace and Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone
The Sisters acknowledge and thank William Brougham, Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras, the ABC and an as yet unknown source for the use of their photos.
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