Blessing and Resurrection of Underground Lavatory for QTOPIA

The Old Men's Undergound Conveniences At Taylor Square

Monday 13th May 2024

The OPI received a rather late notice invite from a representative at QTOPIA museum to conduct a blessing (which we then referred to as a resurrection) as part of the opening ceremony of the underground lavatory as the latest installation/refurbished exhibit for QTOPIA.

The blessing occurred on Monday evening 13th May 2024 starting at 6:00pm. Sisters in attendance were Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone, Sister Rowena Keeper of the Holy Doyley and Novice Sister Carmen Cider.

We were met by our host Brett from QTOPIA on arrival and he made it known that our presence was in fact a surprise for the organisers of the opening ceremony and we were somewhat hidden away from view by the gathered faithful and event organisers who were attending the event until the right moment when we were to be revealed and disrupt their proceedings with a little OPI frivolity.
The main event was being held downstairs in the “Substation” which is located midway between the QTOPIA museum and the underground lavatory. At the right moment Brett queued the sisters to descend the narrow curling stairs into the “Substation” (which was a feat in itself when it came to avoiding tripping and falling down the stairs) to make our unanticipated and unpublicised sisterly intervention for the evening. Sister Salomé did a wonderful job of bellowing (or announcing) our arrival by demanding that event organisers stop what they were doing – that they had gone on quite long enough and that the sisters had important matters to attend to!

The blessing was effectively done in three movements. The first being where we initially arrived in the “Substation” and introduced ourselves and advised the gathered faithful of what was about to happen.

The second where we then ascended from the “Substation” and went across to the downstairs lavatory where Sisters were in their element guffawing behaving quite indecorously, shrieking and revelling in the moment. Novice Sister Carmen Cider applied a generous serve of faux cum to the tip of the generously sized black butt plug that awaited our arrival in the lavatory and then victoriously ascended the stairs to present the black rubber/latex trophy to the gathered faithful who had moved from the “Substation” and were assembled outside the lavatory awaiting our return.

The third and last part of the blessing and resurrection was conducted here in this open space upon the gathered faithful where there was much holy water (dingo piss) being sprayed and plied to the gathered faithful. The generous amounts of chilly holy water that were applied in abundance, seemed to be warmly received by the gathered faithful.

Sisters then enjoyed engaging with the gathered faithful for about an hour further after the formalities had ended.

It should be noted that before Sisters headed home it was necessary for us to do a respective head count of each other (again) for health and safety reasons. One tawdry trashy scruffy (novice) Sister was seeking to experiment with an overnight voluntary entombment in the lavatory. We had to drag that scrubber (novice) out of the bog by his veil for his own good. (It was rather wet down there and he might have caught a cold).

Sister Rowena Keeper of the Holy Doyley

Click on image to open in slideshow!

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

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Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Blessing Qtopia Men's Lavatories Exhibition

Sisters Present: Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone, Sister Rowena Keeper of the Holy Doyley and Novice Sister Carmen Cider
The Sisters acknowledge and thank our friends at Star Observer and also Mark Dickson from Deep Field Photography for the use of their photos
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