Mardi Gras Workshop Blessing

Saturday 6th February 2021

The Sisters have a long standing relationship with the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras organisation and so were again delighted to have the opportunity to bless the Mardi Gras workshop and all the volunteers working tirelessly to prepare for the parade.

So it was that on Saturday 6th February, Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone, Sister Catheter of the Sacred Immaculate Ejaculate, and Novice Sister Nana Mascouri Yasou the Greek Nun from Hell went to the Alexandria Workshop of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras to perform rites and blessings.

The Sisters positoned between the heads of Fred and Pauline, the former recreated for the 40th Anniversary Parade and the latter newly made for that same Parade, created a powerful image!

In these times of Pandemic, and the need to adhere to mandated safety measures, there were considerably fewer personnel working in the workshop. Notwithstanding the Blessing was received with great enthusiasm by those present.

Of particular joy to me was the presence of Novice Sister Nana, who hasn’t manifested for many years, and of course it was a great delight to have Sister Catheter with us, his last manifestation before he relocates some considerable distance up the coast. We piously hope that he will continue to manifest from time to time in the future.

At the end of the Blessing, Matt who had recorded the blessing, took numerous still photographs of the Sisters with various workers from the Workshop. A big thank you to Matt for forwarding the photographs (and the film footage) with his permission to post on our Website and our Facebook page.

Overall a very satisfactory Blessing that was well received by the Gathered Faithful.
Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone

Follow this link If you'd like to watch a short video clip of the Sisters in action.

Sisters Present: Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone, Sister Catheter, of the Sacred Immaculate Ejaculate &
Novice Sister Nana Mouskouri Yasou Greek Nun from Hell.
Photos courtesy of Matt Akersent
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