Mardi Gras 2024 Festival Launch Party

The Abercrombie, Chippendale

November 2023

The Sisters were delighted to be invited to attend the 2024 Mardi Gras Festival launch party held recently where they escorted the new Mardi Gras CEO,
Gil Beckwith to the stage.
Our own Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone is featured as one of the ten tarot cards featuring community members to take us into 'Our Future'.
Sister Salomé sits as the moon goddess of Wisdom. The Wisdom card is a sign of intuition, sacred knowledge and divine femininity, depicting a strong figure sitting between pillars marked B&J, for Boaz & Jachin, the two pillars that stood on the porch of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, with the black and white colour of the pillars symbolising the duality between masculine and feminine.

Sisters Present: Sister Salomé of the 9th Mystic Rhinestone, Sister Eileen Dover of The Double Cross,
Novice Sister Ophelia Ring and Novice Sister Beefcake TenderLoins
Photos by Ash Penin
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